Welcome Our Newest Sponsor: Law Tigers

by El Presidente

Say welcome to our latest Web Sponsor, Law Tigers!  In the unfortunate event that you would need legal representation due to a motorcycle accident, we ask that you give them a call!

Law Tigers are a national network of motorcycle accident attorneys who are committed to protecting fellow riders. Riding is in our blood. Many of us have gone down at least once, so we understand your pain and frustration. We have provided thousands of injured riders and their families with individualized, unique, and experienced representation. We are with you every step of the way, or as we like to say, “We’ve got your back.”

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2018 Las Vegas Vintage & Collectable Motorcycle Auctions

Las Vegas, NV

by El Presidente

Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the traditional January Club Meeting & Dinner at the George & Dragon Pub this year because I was in Las Vegas for the weekend.  I always look forward to this dinner as it’s the first place I attended an AZRATPack dinner way back in 2006.  At least though, I was doing something motorcycle related!

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Two Riders From California Receive Titanium Awards In 2017

Parts Unkown, AZ

by El Presidente

The Titanium Award is given to riders that complete all six of our rides in a given year.  In the two years of the award, only a handful of us have received this award.  I wanted to give special recognition to two riders from California that have earned it in 2017, Darlene Fong and Alan Hirst. Continue reading “Two Riders From California Receive Titanium Awards In 2017”

Heat Related Illness

Here is another worthwhile article that Rodney found in the GWRRA newsletter:

Heat related illnesses are extremely dangerous. The symptoms and causes are gradual and can accelerate to the point that can cause your body organs to function improperly.  The biggest cause of heat related illness is dehydration.  Without the proper amount of fluids and salt, vital organs like the kidneys, brain, and heart cannot function.  Your blood thickens and your heart pumps much harder to circulate blood throughout the body.

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Getting in the Mindset of Tire Safety

Rodney found this article in the GWRRA newsletter that he thought should be posted here especially with the hot summer months upon us.

This month we are going to focus on the three most important things on the bike. The two contacts (tires) and the one under the helmet. Everything we do rides on the tires. We need to train ourselves on the importance of checking and maintaining our tires. Protection against avoidable breakdowns and crashes, improved vehicle handling, better fuel economy, and increased tire life. Just a few reasons to check your tire pressure EVERY day.

Continue reading “Getting in the Mindset of Tire Safety”