2021 Ride Schedule Announced!

Parts Unknown, AZ

by El Presidente

The AZRATPack Board of Directors is proud to announce out 2021 Ride Schedule.  We feel that this year’s schedule is responsible and achievable barring any worsening of the current health situation.  Of  course all is subject to change with enough time to allow for modifications in plans.

You will notice that this is a full schedule of six rides with a late start to the year and with less time between rides.  As long as we are able to run the full schedule, our intention is to hold the GO AZ Motorcycles Ride Series and give out awards at our end of year banquet that hopefully will be held in December.

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2020: The Soon To Be Forgotten Year

Parts Unknown, AZ

By El Presidente

We had a lot to talk about at last night’s meeting of the AZRATPack’s Board of Directors. The conditions in which we cancelled the Rt 66 Tour along with most of our schedule this year have not changed. Face coverings, group size limitations and social distancing regulations/ordinances are still in place.

Due to the difficulty of holding events in the spirit in which we feel represents our club, fun, tight knit, entertaining and safe, we feel it is best to cancel the remaining scheduled events for the year. The affected events are the Alien Abduction Grand Tour scheduled for October and the Ajo Ride scheduled for November.

On a more positive and optimistic note, we have come up with a flexible plan for 2021.

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Triumph Immersion Event 2020

Tucson, AZ – February 18-19, 2020

by  Steve Stoops

The AZRATPack was honored and flattered to be invited to Triumphs Immersion 2020 demo days in Tucson. The event was primarily held for industry influencers, bloggers and vloggers. The location Triumph picked was spectacular. They had everyone come to the Westin La Paloma in Sunny Tucson. Triumph flew people in from all over the country for this event and some people from Canada.

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March 26th General Membership Meeting & Dinner Canceled

West Alley BBQ & Smokehouse – Chandler, AZ

By El Presidente

Due to the current health crisis that is currently happening, the Board of Directors of the AZRATPack have decided to cancel this month’s dinner. We have taken this action after careful consideration to ensure the safety and health of our members and the community in general.

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