The AZRATPack Files For AMA Charter

Scottsdale, AZ – March 31, 2017

As of March 31st, as decided by your Board of Directors, we have filed the necessary paperwork to become an American Motorcyclist Association Chartered Club.  So, what does that mean?


After the considerable amount of work you have done to get your organization together, you will want to make sure that you and the other members are going to get the most out of your activities. The AMA can help you.

The AMA remains the only national organization devoted to providing a full range of services to America’s motorcyclists and is equipped to effectively work for the betterment of all forms of motorcycling. Whether a rider prefers motocross or touring, the AMA exists to keep the fun in motorcycling for everyone. Over 260,000 motorcycle enthusiasts support AMA activities through their annual membership dues. Continue reading “The AZRATPack Files For AMA Charter”