2020: The Soon To Be Forgotten Year

Parts Unknown, AZ

By El Presidente

We had a lot to talk about at last night’s meeting of the AZRATPack’s Board of Directors. The conditions in which we cancelled the Rt 66 Tour along with most of our schedule this year have not changed. Face coverings, group size limitations and social distancing regulations/ordinances are still in place.

Due to the difficulty of holding events in the spirit in which we feel represents our club, fun, tight knit, entertaining and safe, we feel it is best to cancel the remaining scheduled events for the year. The affected events are the Alien Abduction Grand Tour scheduled for October and the Ajo Ride scheduled for November.

On a more positive and optimistic note, we have come up with a flexible plan for 2021.


We plan to announce our 2021 ride schedule on New Year’s Day 2021. We normally announce our ride schedule in October, but want to announce it later than usual to give us time to be flexible. As you know, conditions change almost weekly. Our intention is to announce a schedule that we can stick to. This is what we have on the table so far and of course subject to change with conditions:

  • No rides scheduled for the first quarter of 2021 (January, February, March)
  • Two single day rides in the April/May/June timeframe with no planned group meals
  • Two to three rides in July/August/September timeframe with at least a single day ride and an overnighter with group meals TBD.
  • Run the balance of single and multi-day rides in the last quarter of the year

Social Events

Our 2nd Sunday Breakfast and General Membership Dinner Meetings will commence scheduling 30 days after large gathering/social distancing regulations/ordinances “officially” start to relax. “Officially” means an announcement from a national, state or local government. We will monitor this closely as it will affect how and when we conduct our rides also.

As always, we encourage you to only do what your are comfortable with!


As previously announced, anyone who was a paid member when this mess all started had their memberships extended for six months.

This has been a difficult time financially and mentally. Many of us have gone through some life changes and we all genuinely hope that we are all better for it in the long run though it may be difficult to see today. We are looking forward to hearing all of your stories once we are able to gather around a dinner table again along with making new memories on the road!

~ Victor, Dagame, Steve, Rodney, Allen & Todd, Your AZRATPack Board of Directors