6th Annual GO AZ Motorcycles Sedona Ride Recap

GO AZ Motorcycles, Scottsdale, AZ – August 19, 2017

by El Presidente

Every year I write up the description of this ride, I always include the words “challenging loop.”  Sometimes I get flak for using this phrase describing a trip to Sedona, but if you factor in the time of the year, you can get various challenges like, rain, cold, heat, sleet, and haboobs.  Over the years of putting this ride on together with our sponsor, GO AZ Motorcycles, we’ve experienced all of the above!  This year though, we were met with sunny skies and with temperatures that were not as hot as they could have been.  Though, this year, the words “challenging loop” still applied! Continue reading “6th Annual GO AZ Motorcycles Sedona Ride Recap”

Southern Arizona Tour Recap

GO AZ Motorcycles, Scottsdale, AZ – June 3-4, 2017

by El Presidente

Our ride started bright and early at GO AZ Motorcycles in Scottsdale at 7:00 AM.  Luckily, the temperatures were still cool at this early hour.  After brief hellos, coffee, doughnuts and a rider’s meeting, we were off towards Superior, AZ where the temperatures were even cooler!

Continue reading “Southern Arizona Tour Recap”

April Club Dinner Meeting Recap

Cuban Foods Market & Bakery, Phoenix, AZ – April 27, 2017

by El Presidente

Our monthly club dinner doubled this month as my 50th birthday party!  What a great turnout!  Thanks to everyone that made it a special evening.  Special thanks go out to Luis Bartolome for providing a door prize and congratulations to Allen Kelly for winning a new Scala Rider headset.  Another thank you goes out to GO AZ Motorcycles of Scottsdale for picking up the tab!

Continue reading “April Club Dinner Meeting Recap”