Club Bylaws Update

by El Presidente

As our club grows and evolves, it’s necessary to modify or change our bylaws.  These changes are presented to and voted on by the AZRATPack Board of Directors.  The following changes have been made to our bylaws:


3.0       Monthly Meetings

Membership meetings are to be held monthly to discuss ideas, concerns and other club related business.  These meetings are held on every last Thursday of the month at a place to be determined by the person designated by the Board of Directors (BOD). To give all members an opportunity to attend, these meetings will be held at locations in what is considered Central Phoenix, East and West Valleys in alternating months.

At these meetings, only full members can bring up, discuss and when appropriate, vote on club business.

Paragraphs 3.0.1 through 3.6 to be deleted.


4.2       Founding Board of Directors

As of the 1st of January 2016, the club has been operating with a Board of Directors as appointed by the President.  All appointments and removals of directors shall be commenced by a motion, a second and a majority vote of officers.

4.3          Designation and Term of Office

There shall be two classes of directors, directors and honorary (appointed) directors. Directors shall be the officers of the Club, i.e., the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and membership services director. The term of office of is permanent.  When a director elects to step down, replacement candidates will be solicited and voted on by the remaining directors.  If necessary, honorary directors may be asked to vote to break ties.

The board by resolution may create new offices, and add to the number of directors, up to the maximum number of directors permitted.

Honorary directors shall be to the discretion of the board and traditionally held by the chairman of the SCMA and a representative of corporate sponsor(s).  Only officers of the club have full voting rights.  Appointed directors may be called upon to vote if majority of club officers agree.

Paragraphs 4.3 through 4.4 to be deleted. Paragraph 4.2.1 to be renumbered to 4.2.  Paragraph 4.2 to be renumbered 4.3.

 Click here to view the complete AZRATPack Bylaws.