March General Membership Meeting & Dinner Recap

Cornish Pasty Co., Tempe, AZ

Just one day after the March breakfast was the MARCH RATPack dinner at CORNISH PASTY CO.  This place is a very eclectic Euro style PUB restaurant that serves PASTY –  PAST-TEE — NOT PASTE-TEE LOL.

Resto history – The current owner took his mother’s original recipe for pasties and started a pub/pasty restaurant.  They serve Vegetarian to traditional British pasties. The restaurant has a very pub feeling with a big bar and dark furnishings. The furniture in the pub was originally part of a church.  It felt like an AZ British Pub with everyone enjoying their LOCAL.

They also featured a wonderful list of international and local craft beers.. After a large GUINNESS (meal in a glass),  I was ready for my Mexican themed pastie.  Sebastian had a Tandoori themed pastie.  They were excellent !!  Really went well with the beers. Their menu included many Irish, Scottish and British appetizers.

We all piled into the largest table they had. It was a U-shape, seated about 15-16 of 20 total .. It was cozy. Some sat at some of the regular tables. Some new members came to their first AZRTPack event. They are the Kerry’s, Russel and Susan  from Carefee. After getting to know them we all found out they had an older triumph for sale. A 1972 Triumph Bonneville to be exact.  Sebastian started getting weird at the table, Dude you OK?  He looked at the pics. He was fascinated.  So much so he bought it on the spot.  He said it’s his birth year bike !!! LOL They didint make bikes when ElChinoLoco was born —- 🤪 Confucious didint have a HONDA….

Look forward to seeing the Kerry’s again. A GREAT TIme with you all…