GroupMe Group Messaging To Roll Out In The Next Month For Paid Members

Parts Unkown, AZ

In order to communicate news and make announcements in real time, we have decided to roll out an official Group Chat Messaging System (GCMS) via GroupMe. For instance, while on a ride, we’ll be able to update the group on dinner/breakfast plans, leave times and other pertinent information. This will be available to those of you who are paid members.

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To Helmet Or Not To Helmet, That Is The Question

Parts Unkown, AZ

A great question came up at dinner last night, “Do we require helmets on our rides?”  The quick answer is, no, we don’t require you to wear a helmet to participate in one of our rides, but since we do leave the state from time to time, you are subject to that state’s laws.  Helmet law included.

We do value your safety however and highly recommend that you do wear one.  Outside of the obvious reasons, here are a few other good reasons to wear a helmet:

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July General Membership Meeting & Dinner Recap

West Alley BBQ, Chandler, AZ

My intention was to ride the Harley to dinner tonight, but the combination of having to run some errands before dinner plus some dark skies to the south, I ended up in the Ford.

West Alley BBQ is on a side street in the booming Chandler Downtown area. A modern space with a stage for live entertainment is the center point of this two story restaurant. Moving our dinners to the last Tuesday of every month from Thursdays means

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